Maca Herb Uses
Maca herb is said to be an adaptogen. This term was created by Russian scientist Dr. Nicolai Lazarev in the years following his graduation from medical school in 1928 and is used to describe a plant medicine that provides a wide range of benefits with no side effects. Adaptogens strengthen the immune system and provide the body with the endurance and strength to withstand challenging external conditions. They also can serve to remineralize a mineral-depleted body.
Nutritional Analysis
In a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, maca was shown to contain (1R, 3S)-1-methyltetrahydro-carboline-3-carboxylic acid. This is a molecule that has been shown to nourish and support the central nervous system. Maca is 60 percent carbohydrates and it's also rich in protein and dietary fiber (10 percent and 8.5 percent, respectively). A study published in Phytochemistry showed that essential minerals such as selenium, magnesium, calcium and iron are also present in the maca root, as are fatty acids such palmitic acid, oleic acids and linolenic acid. This study also determined that maca contains 19 amino acids, along with polysaccharides.
Sexual Function
Many studies have been done that prove maca's capacity for improving sexual function. A study published in Andrologia indicates that maca can serve to boost men's testosterone levels, thus heightening libido. For this reason, the herb has earned the nickname Nature's Viagra. Another study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology indicates that maca also can serve to improve semen quality.
Side Effects
Maca is a non-toxic substance, but some women have reported breast tenderness when taking high doses; the problem typically is resolved when dosages are reduced. Goiters also may develop when maca is consumed in high doses by someone with a diet low in iodine.
How To Use It
Maca capsules are supplements that may be consumed with water. The powder may be mixed with your favorite beverage.