Products for Muscle Growth
Creatine is a muscle-building supplement used by many professional and amateur bodybuilders as an alternative to anabolic steroids that produces similar results without the onset of many of the serious side effects usually associated with steroid use. However, excessive creatine use also has some side effects. These include water retention (leading to softer muscles), kidney stones, gas and bloating, minor heart problems, and reduction in feelings of pain while working out.
Nitric-oxide supplements are a new addition to the bodybuilding supplement market and use a late-release formula to build muscles during times of the day where the body usually remains dormant (such as during the night while sleeping). The supplement increases the contractions of the blood vessels, allowing more blood to enter into the veins, giving the user a "pump" during workouts. The late-release system allows these pumps to remain even after working out. However, there are also some associated side effects with NO2 use, including nausea, diarrhea, weight gain and headaches.
Protein Powders
Protein powders are considered to be the safest and most-effective way of building lean muscle mass without the serious side effects associated with the other supplements. However, protein powders can be dangerous if overused. Some of the side effects associated with excessive protein ingestion include kidney stones, acidic blood, and ketosis (a state of chronic starvation brought on by a lack of carbohydrates in your diet). Use protein powders in moderation and according to the directions on the label.
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids have become one of the most highly-publicized, highly-effective products available for increased muscle growth. However, anabolic steroids are illegal in the United States and are considered very dangerous to any individual that chooses to use them. Some of the associated side effects with steroid use include suppression of natural hormones, gynocomastia, liver damage, water retention, acne, increased aggression, baldness, shrinkage of the testicles, stunted growth in teenagers, prostate enlargement, kidney problems, and sterility in both males and females.
If you experience any of the above side effects, please contact a medical professional immediately.
If an overdose is expected, contact your local poison center and head directly to the emergency room to inform a doctor that you may be poisoned.
Always be completely aware of the various side effects and uses of any of the above supplements before use.