Benefits and Side Effects of Fish Oil Supplements
Benefit for High Blood Pressure
The National Institute of Health reports that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil supplements have been strongly shown by scientific research to cause small decreases in blood pressure. Although they recommend consultation with a doctor before using supplements, they also note that higher levels of consumption may have a greater effect.
Benefit for Heart Disease
In addition to observations of large population groups that have found that those who eat more fish have a lower chance of dying from heart disease, it's been found that rates of fatal and nonfatal heart attack, along with dying from other causes, decreases in those people with a history of heart attack who take fish oil supplements, whether they are taking conventional heart drugs as well or not.
Benefit for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Use of fish oil supplements has also been connected to decreases in joint tenderness and morning stiffness in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, although use for more than three months has not been significantly evaluated.
Other Benefits
There are a number of other possible benefits that have been studied, with inconclusive results. There may be positive effects from fish oil supplements for asthma, bipolar disorder, cancer prevention, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, dementia, depression, eczema, lupus, schizophrenia, stroke prevention and diabetes, among other diseases and conditions.
Side Effect: Blood Thinning
Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil supplements thin blood, especially when consumed at higher doses, such as over 3 grams per day, the level determined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be "generally regarded as safe." This may be of particular concern to those undergoing surgery. Nosebleeds and blood in the urine have also been associated with high doses.
Other Side Effects
Stomach and intestinal upset, including diarrhea, gas and indigestion, is common with consumption of fish oil supplements, though these effects may be limited by taking fish oil with meals. Many have also experienced a fishy aftertaste. Lowered blood sugar levels have been noted occasionally and lowered blood pressure may be a negative effect for some. Fish oil supplements should also be avoided by those with allergies or sensitivities to fish.