What Do Protein Shakes Do?
Muscle Building
Protein shakes primarily function as a supplement to bodybuilding. Protein contains amino acids, which are the basic building blocks for muscle growth. Protein also helps muscles to heal after a strenuous workout. Drinking a protein shake immediately after a workout quickly delivers those proteins to the muscles when they're most in need of healing. The body can break down liquids faster than it can solids, so a protein shake benefits the muscles more quickly than solid foods containing protein.
Metabolism Maintenance
The average adult requires 46-56 grams of protein each day, according to Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky. Most adults are able to get that through a normal, healthy diet, so protein shakes aren't necessary for a balanced diet. Nutritionists, however, advise that six small meals a day are preferable to three large meals for the sake of ideal metabolism levels. Finding time to plan and prepare six meals a day can be challenging, though; a protein shake can serve as a nutritional supplement for one of those daily meals.
Hunger Killer
Need a snack? Protein sources such as a protein shake are a good choice, according to Zeratsky. Drinking a protein shake will leave you feeling satisfied longer than a sugary, carbohydrate-laden snack, which the body will burn away quickly. It will also prevent you from returning to the refrigerator for more, ultimately helping to cut the number of calories you consume daily.
Hangover Help
A protein shake can help remedy a throbbing head and queasy stomach the morning after a night of heavy drinking. Amino acids help purge the body of the toxins that alcohol leaves behind. Since most shakes are milk based, they also can help soothe stomach lining damaged by alcohol. Toss in a piece of fruit or two to add vitamins and water, both of which will help rehydrate the body, and you'll be over that hangover in no time.
Despite some products' claims, one thing a protein shake will not do is cause weight loss or burn fat. While they can help get a diet on track, they also contain calories themselves. The body will store protein not used by the muscles as energy, and it stores unused energy as fat. Therefore, drinking too many protein shakes, particularly when combined with inactivity, will hinder weight-loss efforts, not help them. Additionally, protein shakes do not contain the necessary nutrients of fruits, vegetables and grains, so use them as a meal replacement sparingly.