Muscle Milk Information
Product Line
Muscle Milk is most commonly known as a protein powder that's mixed with water to create a protein shake. The protein powder probably is Muscle Milk's most popular product, and many consumers like that Muscle Milk offers a "light" product. However, there are quite a few other products in the Muscle Milk line. Cytosport also offers ready-made protein shakes, protein bars, meal-replacement drinks and other meal-replacement products that carry the Muscle Milk trademark.
Muscle Milk combines two types of proteins in its products: whey protein and casein protein. It isn't those ingredients that individualize muscle milk, though; many protein products use a combination of whey and casein.
Muscle Milk is unique because its formula is created to mimic the formula of a mother's breast milk. Breast milk is enriched with proteins, vitamins and amino acids. In the first two days after a mother gives birth, her body produces a hormone called colostrum; this hormone strengthens a baby's immune system by flushing the body with antioxidants and enzymes. Along with other ingredients, muscle milk has bovine colostrum, which essentially has the same makeup as the human hormone.
Protein Benefits
Protein is the building block of muscle growth. We all need protein whether we work out or not. Increasing protein, however, helps to build and regenerate muscle tissue. Muscle Milk is especially useful for strength training. When you lift weights, you are tearing muscle fibers. Then, the muscle grows back larger and stronger. Muscle Milk helps that process. Plus, protein is very filling, so drinking protein shakes will decrease your appetite.
Milk Benefits
The mother's milk formula of Muscle Milk is beneficiary because it increases levels of amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes. Many studies have been devoted to the benefits of breast milk, and there are known health benefits, but scientists don't really know all the advantages of breastfeeding. However, studies have shown that babies who are breastfed are healthier babies. Therefore, Muscle Milk may assist the immune system.
It's important to know that Muscle Milk has more fat and calories than its competitors. For this reason, Muscle Milk offers a light version of each of its products. The traditional Muscle Milk product is formulated for serious strength trainers. The lighter versions are more appropriate for people who exercise in the mild to moderate range. Most people obtain a sufficient amount of protein from diet alone, so Muscle Milk should be used in conjunction with muscle-building activities. If ingested without appropriate exercise, Muscle Milk will cause weight gain.