The Best Time to Take Tonalin CLA
Basic Use
The best time to take Tonalin CLA is when you're getting started on a new health regime. Ideally, you want to see your doctor first, and draw up a proper diet, exercise and diet-supplement program. According to a review of CLA on the website, CLA can be found in a variety of meat and dairy products, and safflower oil. Depending on the degree to which you want or need to lose body fat, you may be able to just add some appropriate foods to your diet or take a supplement.
Using in Combination
A study done at the University of Toronto by Dr. Venket Rao and Dr. Kathee Andrews (see found that taking capsules of CLA and drinking green tea resulted in a significant improvement in the subjects' overall health and fitness. The doctors' trial ran for three months, and almost three-quarters of the people either didn't gain weight or lost some. Speak to your doctor to see if this regime might be right for you.
Other Aspects of CLA
Based on several clinical trials, CLA has three keys uses. Therefore, the best time to take Tonalin CLA is when you want to reduce the level of fat in your body, heal cardiovascular disease and prevent colon cancer. Several studies (Thom et al., in 2001; Smedman & Vessby, also in 2001; Gaullier et al., in 2005, and Kamphuis et al., 2003) all showed that taking CLA helped in reducing body fat in people who were overweight.
In terms of cardiovascular disease, a report on a clinical trial done by Noone et al. in 2002 showed that CLA had a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. It reduced the level of triglycerides in the blood. If you're a woman, and pregnant, a study by Herrera et al. in 2005 showed that CLA supplements helped to reduce hypertension. Yet another study, Aminot-Gilchrist and Anderson in 2004, found potential benefits of CLA in connection with cardiovascular disease. Finally, Larsson et al. in 2005, did a study on CLA as related to colon cancer. Their results found that adding it to your diet may decrease the chances of you developing the cancer.