Anabol Side Effects

Anabol, an anabolic steroid made up of the testosterone-building compound methandienone, is a steroid supplement used to increase muscle strength, size, and workout endurance in users. As with any anabolic steroid, there are a number of serious side effects that can result from extended use.
  1. Inhibition of Natural Hormones

    • The most common side effect of Anabol use is the suppression of natural hormones after the steroid cycle has been completed. In particular, the production of HPTA, or the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis, is suppressed to the point where it can no longer produce nature chemicals. Once the body cannot produce normal levels of testosterone, it is thrown out of equilibrium state and makes the body prone to disease and infection.

    Liver Damage

    • The main function of the liver is to break down chemicals being brought into the body. However, when the body is face with a chemical it is not used to (such as an anabolic steroid), the enzymes in the liver become elevated to a higher than normal level. The chemicals become too much for the liver to handle at one time, leading to the possibility of serious, long-term damage.


    • Another common side effect of Anabol use is the onset of acne primarily on the face, chest and back. This is due to two main factors: higher than normal levels of testosterone in the body and increased activity in the sebaceous gland. With the combination of outside bacteria and dead skin cells, the pores of the skin eventually become clogged to the point where the body produces excess acne.


    • The term gynocomastia refers to the development of female-like breast tissue and is a common side effect when using Anabol. Once the body ingests an outside steroid, the excess testosterone present forces the body to produce excess estrogen as a counterbalance. This additional estrogen in the body causes the user to develop certain female characteristics (such as larger breasts).

    Water Retention

    • Anabol users have also been known to experience excess water retention during the course of their steroid use. Any anabolic steroid requires the intake of extra water in order for the drug to work properly. As a result, the body also retains more water than it usually needs. The most common result is that muscles appear bigger than they did before, but at the same time feel softer than normal.


    • If you experience any of these side effects, please seek the help of a medical professional immediately.

      Steroid use is not considered healthy under any circumstances and is not recommended for individuals of any age.

      If you are under the age of 18, it is very possible that steroid use can stunt your growth pattern and lead to any of the other side effects listed above.

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