Zeolite Detox
What Zeolite is
Natural zeolites are aluminosilicates (a molecule of aluminum and silicone atoms) noted for their powerful ability to absorb toxins. Zeolite is believed to trap toxins and heavy metals in the body and is believed to have antioxidant properties when introduced in the human body. The combination of toxin absorption and antioxidants makes zeolite a powerful new tool in the cleansing of the human body.
Zeolite Forms
Zeolite that is safe for human consumption comes in three forms: liquid, pill and powder. The most common and easiest way to ingest it is in its liquid form. Zeolite in pure form is not found in brick-and-mortar stores. GNC and other health stores, such as the Vitamin Shoppe, do not sell zeolite products. Whole Foods sells products containing zeolite; the selection varies from store to store. Zeolite is available from online companies such as Zeolite.org, Zeoliteliquid.com and Liquidcellularzeolites.com (see links in Resources).
Reported Health Benefits
Though not completely confirmed by studies, people detoxifying with zeolite have reported many health benefits. Those using zeolite reported more energy, clearer skin, fewer colds, relief of joint pain, improved digestion, a stronger immune system and more. A European study from the Ruder Boskovic Institute in Croatia found that cancer-stricken dogs and mice given zeolite experienced an overall improved health status. This study has spawned more research in zeolite's ability to affect the state of caner patients in a positive way. Zeolite has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a health tonic. Research from the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center has found that zeolite not only possibly detoxifies the human body; it may block viral duplication and help improve seasonal allergies. Zeolite was used to remove heavy metal from the drinking water in Chernobyl after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor incident. Research is still emerging on zeolite.
Directions for Administration
Directions for administering zeolite vary. The average dosage of zeolite for the first 30 days is to put 10 drops on the tongue, 3 times per day. This completes the initial detox period. Following the 30 days, 3 drops on zeolite on the tongue, 3 times per day is the recommended dosage. You can continue zeolite detox for as long as you desire. Pill-form zeolite and powered form directions vary for every company who manufactures it. When taking zeolite, drink plenty of water to administer the mineral throughout your body. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day is vital to get the most health benefits from the zeolite detox program.