What Is Noni Used for?
Noni is most commonly consumed as a drink. It is bottled either pure, or in combination with other juices such as grape, apple or pear. Noni also can be found in tea, tablet or capsule forms.
As with many juices; noni is comprised of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Current studies show noni to have antioxidants, tumor growth inhibitor and immune function-enhancing properties.
Reported Benefits
Noni is promoted as beneficial for health issues including cardiovascular and cancerous conditions, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, sinus problems and wound healing.
Because of the studies being conducted by the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine and the National Cancer Institute, potential benefits for use in cancer treatment are hopeful.
Noni is relatively high in potassium and this should be taken into consideration by those on potassium-restricted diets. Consulting with a health care provider is advised.