The Side Effects of Acai Berry Pills

The market for products derived from the berry of the acai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) palm has been white-hot recently. Although acai products are promoted primarily for their supposed efficiency in the areas of weight loss and colon cleansing, the health claims have gone well beyond these limited areas of benefit. While the claims for acai's benefits are everywhere, there is little information to be found about any side effects.
  1. What It Is

    • The products at the heart of this nutritional marketing bonanza are derived from the small, purple berries of the acai palm, which grows throughout much of Central and South America. Acai-derived products include juice extracted from the berries and a wide variety of nutritional supplements, some of which contain other ingredients that have been added to amplify the efficacy of the pure acai extract.

    Natural and Therefore Safe?

    • If you would like to know more about the pros and cons of acai supplementation before trying it, the Internet is alive with information, but the vast majority of it is provided by those with a vested interest in selling acai-derived products. One of the most widely heard responses to questions about the safety of acai goes along these lines: "Asking if acai is safe is pretty much like asking if eating an apple is safe." The implication is that both acai and apples are natural products and therefore safe. If you're swayed by this logic, don't forget that the lovely oleander flower and certain mushroom species are natural too, but they're also potentially deadly.

    Side Effects

    • The good news on acai is that the side effects appear to be relatively mild. Some people taking acai berry pills have experienced gastrointestinal distress, most of it in the form of diarrhea. This appears to be more common among those who are supplementing their diets with juice from the acai berry than in those taking acai berry pills. Also cited as a possible side effect is loss of appetite, which for most users is just the sort of side effect they're looking for.

    Allergic Reactions

    • Even the most mundane products can provoke allergic reactions in some people. While acai side effects appear to be very minimal, based on experiential data, some of those who take supplements derived from this tropical berry may experience an allergic reaction. If you develop a rash, itching or some inflammation, stop taking the pills immediately, and these symptoms will almost certainly disappear.

    Be Alert for Other Ingredients

    • While acai seems to have few unpleasant side effects, this may not be the case for all acai-based supplements. Take a very close look at the list of ingredients on the packaging of acai products to ensure that the overall product contains nothing you feel uncomfortable with. For example, if you are sensitive to guarana or would just not feel right taking a product that contains it, steer clear of acai-derived supplements that include guarana as an ingredient.

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