Sources of Coral Calcium
Above the Sea
This type of fossilized coral calcium is mined from limestone deposits that were once a part of a coral reef. The limestone is ground up into a fine powder and mixed with other inert ingredients. This mixture is then either pressed into caplets or encapsulated for human consumption. The mined coral calcium has to be refined before use to remove contaminants from the environment.
Below the Sea
Harvesting of fossilized coral calcium from the sea is done by carefully vacuuming the coral calcium sand that forms along the outer edges of the living coral reefs. This must be done without damaging the endangered coral reefs. Once the coral sand is vacuumed, it is refined to remove impurities,and the coral sand is then ground up and either made into caplets or put into capsules.
Okinawan Coral Calcium
Virtually all of the coral calcium available in the U.S. market is a product of the Japanese island of Okinawa. Okinawan coral calcium is obtained both above and below the sea. According to, Okinawan coral calcium that is harvested above the sea contains 35 to 38 percent calcium, and coral calcium that is harvested below the sea has an average of 20 to 24 percent calcium. Unfortunately, Okinawan coral calcium is known to have high levels of absorbed mercury and lead.
Sango Coral Calcium
Sango coral calcium is only a local reference to coral in general, so, basically, Sango coral calcium is the same thing as Okinawan coral calcium. It is often touted as being the "very best form" of coral calcium available, but independent testing has shown that it has the same chemical makeup as other coral calcium from the Okinawan region.
Brazilian Coral Calcium
One of the newer forms of coral calcium to hit the market, Brazilian coral calcium is derived from live coral that washes up on the beaches of Northern Brazil. The coral is harvested live and cold-pressed to ensure that it retains a higher level of proteins, nutrients, amino acids and phyto-nutrients. Analysis of Brazilian coral calcium shows that it contains 12 times more trace minerals than Okinawan coral calcium, according to