Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements to Lower Cholesterol
Omega 3 fish oil supplements contain three other fatty acids which have been shown to help in lowering cholesterol. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) reduce LDL and triglycerides. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is also available in omega 3 supplements, also lowers bad cholesterol while raising the good. When looking for fish oil tablets to lower cholesterol, it is important to consider the levels of DHA, EPA and ALA.
An adult without heart disease should take an omega 3 fish oil supplement daily with one gram of DHA and EPA. To treat high cholesterol, the American Heart Association recommends a daily omega 3 supplement with two to four grams of DHA and EPA. It can take a few weeks before the pills have an affect on lowering cholesterol. A dose for children has not been established. Cholesterol-lowering in children should be done under the direction of a pediatrician.
Side Effects
Side effects are possible when taking omega 3 fish oil supplements to lower cholesterol. The most unusual of these is possible "fish breath" when you burp. Additional gastrointestinal problems--bloating, flatulence, belching and even diarrhea--are possible. Cyclosporine, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) and medications for blood thinning can present additional problems when taken with omega 3 fish oil supplements. Be sure to inform your doctor and pharmacist of their use.
Supplements vs. Food
Taking omega 3 fish oil supplements instead of getting the fatty acids from food has some advantages. In the capsules, you are able to try combinations of DHA, EPA, ALA and even omega 6, another substance that helps lower cholesterol. The other advantage is that it is much easier to contain levels of mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and high levels of other heavy metals that are often found in fish. The only disadvantage is that you don't get the other nutrients (like protein) available from eating fish.
Never stop taking prescription cholesterol-lowering medication to begin omega 3 fish oil supplements without discussing it with your doctor. Also consult with a medical professional about dosing. Persons with fish allergies or women who are pregnant should not take omega 3 fish oil supplements. Be aware of the product's origin so that it is free of heavy metals. Taking more than the recommended dose can lead to excess bleeding.