Energy Bar Information
Definition of an Energy Bar
Energy bars provide supplemental nutrition in the way of protein, carbohydrates and other vitamin supplements to restore nutrients in the body after strenuous exercise or sporting events. Energy bars are usually 70 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent protein, 10 percent fat calories. Energy bars come in many flavors and nutrient combinations.
Energy bars come in various types. The most popular energy bar varieties are high protein, moderate-carbohydrate, low glycemic and soy. To find out which energy bar suits your needs, discuss with a health-care provider or trainer which bar might be best. Then try a variety of flavors and strengths as well.
There are many energy bars on the market to choose from. Here are some popular energy bars widely available for sale:
Clif/Luna Bar
These bars have a variety of flavors and are made from natural, organic ingredients. The Clif bar is a great source of nutrient replenishment for tennis players, bike riders, snowboarders, skiers and others involved in strenuous sports. Eat a Clif bar as a satisfying snack before, during or after these activities. Each Clif Bar has 230 calories with 30 grams of fat. There are 45 grams of carbohydrates and 10 grams of protein.Balance Bar
This bar also comes in a variety of flavors. Balance Bar is an excellent meal replacement bar to boost energy. Each bar supplies 200 calories with 22 grams of carbohydrates, 14 grams of protein and six grams of fat.GeniSoy
Soy is a good alternative in energy bars when it comes to getting through a busy day. GeniSoy supplies 20 vitamins and minerals. There are 14 grams of soy protein. Look to take in 230 calories from a GeniSoy bar.
Besides being a balanced source of energy replenishment, energy bars are convenient and easy to carry around throughout the day. Energy bars usually contain a modest amount of fat, saturated fat and sodium. High sources of protein without the animal fat content also make energy bars a more reasonable choice for a nutritional supplement. Energy bars have adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are the better choice for a short, simple meal without the bad results from consuming fast food.
Most energy bars are convenient choices regarding both portability and cost. In general, energy bars can be purchased for about $1.50 to $2 a bar. When bought in packages of 12 or more, look to spend anywhere from $10 to $15 a box. This makes energy bars an economical source for a quick meal replacement.
While energy bars are a healthy and convenient choice, there are some considerations to regard when it comes to eating them. Though energy bars have the nutritional equivalency of some foods, they do not replace the natural protein, fat and carbohydrates in unprocessed fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy. It is hard to break an energy bar down into a food group. While some of the same nutrients found in fruits or vegetables are in an energy bar, the energy bar is missing the chemical make-up that naturally occurs in the fruit or vegetable.
Also, while the total fat content in an energy bar is reasonable, the palm oil used in most bars can bring the saturated fat up to 50 percent. Make a wise choice when choosing energy bars for meal replacements or when looking to boost energy.
Wise Energy Bar Choice
Remember to consult with a health-care provider or trainer when choosing an energy bar for meal replacement or energy replenishment. Other factors to consider include reading labels to see what ingredients have been added to the energy bar. Do not eat an energy bar with undesirable ingredients or substances.
Eat energy bars with minimal or no saturated or hydrogenated fats. Look for bars without palm oil or that contain a small amount of palm oil. This would be less than two to three grams per 200 calorie serving.
Make energy bar choices based on personal needs and the amount of energy expended throughout the day for well-rounded meal replacement or energy replenishment.