Natural Remedies for Increasing Metabolism
Eat More
The first thing that you should do when you want to increase your metabolism is eat more. That may sound crazy, but your metabolism functions best when it is getting a steady diet. That doesn't mean you can eat what you want. To lose weight you should eat appropriate portions of healthy food. You should have breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks each day. You can also add more fiber and protein to your diet because both of these things tend to boost the metabolism.
Build Muscle
When most people diet, they also exercise. This can help boost the metabolism when that person begins to build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be. You don't have to lift weights to build muscle either; you can walk, do resistance training, swim or try other types of cardiovascular exercise. You can even do yoga or dance to build muscle.
Take Herbs
Many herbs can give your metabolism a kick start. You can take kelp to increase your metabolism because it stimulates and regulates the glands in your body, including your thyroid gland. Two other herbs that stimulate the metabolism are alfalfa and parsley. Plus, both are vitamin-rich as well. You can also take cayenne and ginseng because they boost your energy, which inadvertently helps boost your metabolism.
Vitamins and Minerals
One vitamin and a mineral also are important to take when you want to boost your metabolism. Vitamin B12 is essential to the metabolism of every cell in the body. Taking it helps restore optimal metabolic function and increase energy. Magnesium is essential to every function in your body and regulates metabolism and blood sugar.