PowerBar Tips
When to Eat a PowerBar
For best results toward gaining energy or enhancing an athletic performance, eat a PowerBar at least 30 minutes before the activity. Be sure to drink at least 8 oz. of water after consumption to make sure the ingredients are absorbed into the body and it is adequately hydrated. For those activities that run longer than 1 hour, consume a PowerBar each hour you are doing the activity for maintained energy and endurance.
Nutrition Information
Aside from the high amount of complex carbohydrates which are essential to any athlete for performance and energy, PowerBar also contains high-quality protein so muscles can recover from an intense workout. During endurance or strength training, small muscle tears occur in the process of muscle building. Protein helps to repair and rebuild muscle, creating tone and definition in addition to quick recovery time.
PowerBars feature 100 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamins E and C, which are vital sources of antioxidants. There also is 100 percent of the vitamin B-complex, which helps increase metabolism and boosts the immune system. Seventy-five percent of the energy supplied by a PowerBar is derived from carbohydrates, while 15 percent is made of high-quality protein in addition to the many vitamins, amino acids and minerals also included. A small percentage of the bar is fat, allowing it to be easily digested and a boost of energy.
Special Dietary Recommendations
Those who have special dietary needs are also able to consume PowerBars. Individuals with diabetes are able to use PowerBar during their activities; however, it is always important to consult a doctor prior to eating for additional information. Women who are pregnant also benefit from PowerBar due to the important nutrients such as iron, protein and folic acid that are necessary during pregnancy. Those who are allergic to peanuts, gluten, milk, soy or tree nuts are not advised to eat PowerBars to prevent an allergic reaction.