Will Protein Shakes Help You Gain Weight?
The Purpose and Recommended Use of Protein
Protein is made up of essential amino acids which all have their functions. Protein is necessary for building and repairing all of the tissues in the body. It also produces necessary hormones and enzymes and helps to transport vital nutrients in the body. More relevant to those who work out, protein enhances stamina and makes the muscles contract.
The muscles are comprised of about 70% water and 20% protein. Building muscle mass requires extra water, more energy in the form of carbohydrates, as well as more protein. Most people can get enough protein by eating foods like beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, nuts and drinking milk. However, athletes and people who work out with weights require more energy and burn more calories. They need more protein because they use more of it. Protein supplements are taken to help meet the higher protein needs that are required for resistance training. Anyone involved in fitness training or athletics needs about 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Protein Shakes and the Novice Weightlifter
Muscles gains come much quicker for people who are just getting started in weightlifting. Their bodies are not used to the exercise and the extra stimulus shocks the muscles into growing to meet their newly acquired needs. Muscles are designed to adapt and strengthen depending on the demands put on them. But they still require protein to grow.
Most weightlifters will agree that their muscles grew quickly when they first started out, even without protein supplements. And once they started taking the protein supplements, they experienced even greater gains. The point is that most novice bodybuilders start out with a regular protein powder or shake. These are not fraught with extra calories. But they still gain weight and muscle as their protein intake increases. Contrarily, more advanced weightlifters often need to boost their calories along with their protein intake to make gains. These gains do not come as easily for those who have been weight training for awhile.
Different Types of Protein Shakes
There are a number of different types of protein powders on the market. Whey protein is very popular as are soy-based, wheat and egg proteins. Rice proteins are good for people with gluten allergies. Beverly, Optimum Nutrition and Nitro-Tech are just a few of the many brands filling the shelves at most health food stores. Whey protein has the highest protein content and is preferred by most bodybuilders. Most proteins, along with a low-fat nutritional diet, can help a person gain quality muscle and weight. But in order to gain weight a bodybuilder must also consume more calories as well. Thus, gaining weight with protein powders also requires adding high protein foods and carbohydrates to account for the extra calories being used.
In addition to regular proteins, there are also weight-gain proteins. The Heavyweight 900 brand has been a favorite among bodybuilders for years. Weight-gain proteins contain many more calories than regular proteins and can definitely help anyone put on muscle and weight. But these proteins can also boost the weightlifter's calorie intake so high that they put on fat as well. When taking weight-gain proteins it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet that is low in fat.
Selecting the Right Protein
Most bodybuilders try different proteins throughout the year. They may use a regular whey protein during the summer then switch to one of the whey-based, weight-gain proteins in the fall and winter. Competitive bodybuilders try to pack on muscle mass in the colder months, then lean out in time for competition or beach season. Thus, they are making their protein choices based on what they are trying to achieve.
Most people can use a protein powder to gain muscle weight at their leisure. Protein powders give the muscle a fuller and harder look because they fill the muscle up with water. People can definitely gain quality muscle with protein powder when they take in quality calories as well. The goal is to strive for the lean muscular look.
How Much We Gain Depends on Our Body Type
Muscle weighs more than fat. When people are working out, taking protein supplements and eating right they are going to gain quality muscle weight. But some people have a higher metabolism than others. Those with higher metabolism (ectomorphs) have any easier time keeping fat off. But they also have a harder time gaining weight. Protein shakes can help them gain lean muscle but they will have to eat a lot of calories to gain weight. Contrarily, some people have lower metabolisms and a naturally heavy build (endomorphs). These people will gain weight more easily with protein powders but will have to work harder at staying lean.
In essence, anyone can make quality weight gains with protein powders if they eat a balanced diet as well.