Herbal Tablets for Weight Loss
Appetite Suppressants
Many herbal weight-loss tablets are appetite-suppressant products. An appetite-suppressant aids in weight loss by helping the patient consume fewer calories, which will result in weight loss. There is a downside to herbal appetite suppressants, though. Weight loss only occurs while the tablets are used unless there is an effort to change eating behavior and increase exercise at the same time.
There is also the danger of addiction with these products. Herbal appetite suppressants can be just as addictive as drugs used to suppress the appetite.
Herbal Fat Burners
There is no substitute for a good diet and exercise when it comes to weight loss, but scientists have discovered that some herbs help the body burn fat faster and can be a great aid in weight loss. Green tea is one of the herbs that has gained a lot of attention in recent years.
Citrus aurantium can be purchased as a supplement and has shown to be a natural metabolism booster without any of the side effects common in fat-burning herbal products. People who are suffering from high blood pressure are able to use this herbal supplement without any increase in heart rate.
Ephedra is an herbal weight-loss tablet that is sold as a boost for metabolism. It has shown to be dangerous for some patients because it increases the heart rate significantly. You should not use these products without discussing their use with your doctor.
Herbs as an Aid to Weight Loss
Herbal tablets should never be used as the sole method for weight loss. A good, healthy diet and exercise must be used in conjunction with these herbal aids. An herbal appetite-suppressant can be very helpful in getting started on a healthy diet. An appetite suppressant should be part of a healthy diet and a change in the behavior that led to weight gain. The herbal appetite suppressant should only be used once good eating habits are established and can be maintained without any herbal help.
Green tea and other herbal fat burners can also work as an aid to a healthy diet and exercise. Many people are looking for a magic herbal weight-loss tablet that will cause the pounds to fall off without any effort at all. There isn't one. Hard work and dedication to changing old habits is all it takes to lose weight successfully and keep it off.
Check Ingredient Labels
When using any herbal weight-loss tablets, check the ingredients to be sure you know what you are putting in your body.