How to get Vitamin D3
First Understand what Vitamin D3 specifically is.
Vitamin D3 is a specific subset of vitamin D and is made when the skin interacts and is exposed to UVB light.
Next, get outside and get Vitamin D3 from some sunshine.
Depending on your skin color (a darker skin requires a longer time), get out in the sun for about 5-30 minutes for 2-3 days a week.
If it is during the winter or if you live in a not so sunny location, consider alternatives for getting Vitamin D3, like tanning beds with UVB rays or your own at home tanning lights. These are also great alternatives to help prevent SAD (or Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Look at adding some Vitamin D3 Supplements to your diet.
There are several different variations of Vitamin D3. However, make sure it's the natural form of vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol.