Gold Standard Whey Protein Nutrition
Protein is an important component of the diet. It repairs body cells and provides energy. Not only does Gold Standard Whey build muscle, it also repairs muscle, especially after intense workouts. Many athletes consume a serving before and after exercise or a sporting event. In addition, Gold Standard contains hydrowhey, which enables the stomach to digest the protein.
Most people can use Gold Standard Whey, provided they are not lactose intolerant. Pregnant women and children can consume whey protein; however, a physician should be consulted first. Gold Standard is an ideal choice for individuals on special protein diets as whey is quickly digested.
Calories and Fat
A serving of Gold Standard Whey contains 120 calories when mixed with water and 10 calories from fat. The total fat content is 1 gram, making the protein an excellent low-fat choice. Nevertheless, 30 mg of cholesterol---10 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000 calorie diet---is present in each serving. According to the American Heart Association, only 300 mg of cholesterol is recommended per day.
Additional Nutrition
Whey protein is ideal for low-carbohydrate diets. Gold Standard Whey contains between 2 to 4 grams of carbohydrates per serving, which is 1 percent of the daily recommended amount. In addition, 1 gram of sugar is present in each variety. The protein content is 24 grams, almost half the suggested protein intake for the moderately active adult. Gold Standard Whey is a good source of calcium, providing 10 percent per serving. Small traces of iron are present at about 2 percent.
Before using Gold Standard Whey, calculate your daily recommended protein allowance. This is done by multiplying your body weight by your activity level. Consuming too much protein can cause ketosis, which can contribute to kidney problems. Always consult a physician before starting a high-protein diet.