How Much DHEA to Take
DHEA-S is the sulfate ester of DHEA. DHEA is catalyzed in the body into DHEA-S. In fact, most DHEA in the body exists as the DHEA-S ester. This conversion happens in the liver and the intestines. Measurements of levels are taken using the sulfated ester. This is preferable to DHEA levels which can vary based on the times of day. DHEA-S levels are subject to no such variation.
Checking Levels
According to Dr. Ray Sahelian, an authority on herbal formulations and supplementation, some doctors choose to test preexisting DHEA-S levels. If the levels are low, the doctors start by titrating dosages of from 5 to 50 mg in 5 to 10 mg increments until the levels match those of a younger person. If after supplementing for 30 days there is no appreciable change, the administration of DHEA is stopped.
It is important to note that DHEA is metabolized in the liver, so when taking it in tablet form, it's questionable how much actually reaches the blood stream. This will affect any measurements of DHEA-S levels. Some professionals recommend sublingual (under the tongue) administration of DHEA, but Dr. Sahelian says that there is no good evidence to prove that is a better delivery system, as DHEA is also metabolized in the intestine.
Most doctors recommend the titration approach. For DHEA that means starting at 5 mg and increasing the dosage until the patient begins to see an effect or until levels top out. Your individual dosage will depend on pre-dosage levels and your absorption rates. Without a prescription, the over-the-counter dosages are 10, 25 and 50 mg.
Most practitioners top out the DHEA dosage at 50 mg. However, others feel that this dose is too low to provide any anti-aging benefit. They recommend 200 mg to see any changes. It is suggestd by DHEA specialists that people start to have their DHEA levels checked starting in their 40s.
A Note about DHEA and Cancer
DHEA is a precursor for the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. You should make sure you are tested on a regular basis for any changes associated with any of the hormone-related cancers, such as breast or prostate.