The Side Effects of Cordyceps
What is Cordyceps?
Cordyceps is a fungus which is commonly used in herbal supplements and herbal medicines. The fungus has been adapted in commercial products such as Cordyceps Sinensis, Cordyceps Capita and Cordyceps Sinensis. There are many other known species of Cordyceps such as Cordyceps Ophioglossoides, Cordyceps Capita and Cordyceps Militaris.
Origins and Uses of Codyceps
Cordyceps originated in China and soon became popular in other South East Asian countries. Some of the most popular cordyceps are widely used for medicinal purposes in China. For instance, Cordyceps Militaris is of significant importance in some of the Asian countries where it is widely used as a tonic and medicine. Its cousin, Cordyceps Sinensis, according to popular belief by millions of its users, possesses anti-tumor agents.
Other Uses of Cordyceps
The Chinese name for Cordyceps Sinensis is "dong chong xia cao," meaning (winter worm summer grass). It is believed to act as an immunostimulant and antioxidant. Most cordyceps and its derivatives contain alpha-aminoisobutyric acid. Other benefits includes perhaps the most important of them all, is its ability to act as an anti-tumor agent. Codyceps are also believed to possess anti-inflammatory compounds and also acts as anti-aging agents as well. Some of the cordyceps mycelial strains have been isolated from its natural forms and is being manufactured in commercial quantities, through the process of fermentation and is consumed as food in numerous South Eastern Asian countries.
Side Effects of Cordyceps
Cordyceps has a very long history of usage, perhaps for thousands of years, and no definite side effects have been documented. There is not enough information to come to any conclusion about the side effects of this product. As of the time of this writing, no reactions have been documented between cordyceps and other drugs.
Any Potential for Lead Poisoning
In the past, two cases have been reported about cordyceps usage and lead poisoning. However, such cases were isolated and explained as product contamination with lead, and hence was not regarded as a systematic problem with cordyceps products as a whole. There are no data available for cordyceps usage by children and pregnant women. So from all available evidence, one can conclude that cordyceps products are deemed safe for human consumption until contrary evidence manifests.