Obesity Treatment Using Jujube

The jujube is a red oval date produced by the jujube tree. Jujube trees are native to China and jujubes have been used in traditional Chinese herbal remedies for more than 2,500 years. Toning the stomach chi is one of the many benefits attributed to the jujube. This makes it a beneficial supplement for people who are trying to combat obesity.
  1. Jujube Benefits

    • Jujubes have a lot more to offer than a pleasant fruity flavor. They are also rich in nutrients. Jujubes offer doses of vitamins A, C and B2 as well as calcium, iron and phosphorous. Europeans have incorporated the jujube into treatments for lung and kidney disorders, as well as considered it an overall tonic for good health. In addition: aged jujube pits are used for treating abdominal pain and wounds; jujube root is used for promoting hair growth and treating fevers; the fruit itself is used for coughs and for making a tonic that can be taken for irritability; and jujube leaves are used for treating parasites and typhoid fever and for eliminating excess body fat.

    Jujube Forms

    • If you are looking for jujube supplements to add to your diet, you should be able to find the parts of the jujube tree at some health food or vitamin stores as well as Asian markets. Jujubes are sold in three different forms. Jujube powder and jujube extract are ideal for adding to recipes or mixing into smoothies, but jujubes can also be purchased in a whole, dried form. When purchasing whole jujubes, choose those that are small and have firm, wrinkled skin. Other parts of the jujube tree, such as the leaves and root, are sold separately. For recommended obesity treatment, you will need the leaves.

    Jujube for Obesity

    • The recommended recipe for the treatment of obesity with jujube is to place a handful of the jujube leaves in a cup of water and allow the leaves to soak overnight. Drink the jujube leave-infused water the next morning before you have had anything else to eat or drink. Continue this routine every night and day for at least one month. It will take that amount of time to notice a change. The jujube leaves' toning qualities should take effect and you should start to notice a more toned figure. This toned figure represents an increase in muscle and a reduction in body fat. Reduction of body fat is a key component in eliminating obesity.

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