Natural Herbs for the Bladder
Blueberry and cranberry contain compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. These berries also contain arbutin, which has antibiotic properties and serves as a diuretic.
Yogurt containing live cultures, or acidophilus, keeps healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Yogurt also prevents bladder infections related to candida or yeast infections.
Parsley is a diuretic and encourages urination, thereby preventing bacteria from building up or forming in the bladder walls. Carrots, celery and cucumbers act similarly to parsley and help maintain bladder health.
Horsetail is a perennial herb found in North America. Consuming horsetail tea (infuse 1 tsp. horesetail herbs in boiling water, and steep for 15 minutes) increases urination and strengthens tissues on the bladder walls.
Garlic is an herb with natural antibiotic properties. Taking two to three cloves a day helps fight unwanted bacteria in the body.
Rose Hip
Rose hip is the fruit from the rose plant and is high in vitamin C, which increases urine's acidity, fostering an uninhabitable environment for bacteria to survive. Vitamin C is also a diuretic.