Dietary Suppliments to Improve Kidney Function
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an Omega-3 fatty acid which is an essential fat. The body cannot make essential fats, yet they are necessary for proper functioning. This type of fat is extracted from cold water fish and made into fish oil supplements. In addition to helping improve kidney function, Omega-3s can also be beneficial for heart disease, inflammation and high blood pressure.
The amino acid L-carnitine is actually produced in the kidneys and stored in sperm, the muscles, the heart and the brain. One of its main functions is to produce energy from fat. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, the rest of the body can become deficient in carnitine. You can take supplements of carnitine, but should do so under the supervision of your doctor.
Grapes contain powerful antioxidants and have been used for thousands of years to treat pain, inflammation, bleeding and constipation. In earlier times, the grapes were pressed into wine and sap from the vines was used in ointments. Grapeseed extract is created from the seeds of grapes and it can be used as a supplement to promote better kidney function.
Horsetail was first used in ancient Greek and Roman medicine for the treatment of ulcers, tuberculosis and to stop bleeding. The stems of the horsetail plant are rich in a nutrient called silica, which helps promote collagen in the body. Collagen helps keep skin, bones, ligaments and connective tissue strong. When it comes to the kidneys, horsetail acts as a diuretic. This is beneficial for kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle was originally called "Venus thistle," and it contains an active substance called silymarin. This supplement is best known for its ability to stimulate the flow of bile and also to help regenerate liver cells. But it also helps to clear the kidneys of toxins which can improve their overall health.