Uses of Calcium Citrate
Who Should Not Take Calcium Citrate?
Before beginning to take calcium citrate supplements, it is important to ask your doctor or pharmacist if taking calcium citrate will interfere with any medications you take or conditions you have. Those with kidney stones or parathyroid kidney disease should not take calcium citrate. Also, taking tetracycline antibiotics, such as Sumycin, Monodox, Minocin or Terramycin, may cause calcium citrate to interfere with the stomach's acidity.
How Much and When Should I Take It?
The Food & Drug Administration's recommendation for a daily intake of calcium is 1,200 to 1,500 mg per day. If your doctor clears you to take calcium citrate, a recommendation of 1,000 mg per day is the maximum that should be taken (keep in mind that a glass of milk contains about 300 mg of calcium, so you should consume additional food sources as well). Because the body cannot effectively absorb more than 500 mg at a time, you may wish to take 500 mg twice a day. Taking too much calcium may cause side effects, such as gas, bloating and constipation.
Calcium citrate is available in a variety of forms, including pill or effervescent powder. A common form is Citracal, while several options are available at local drugstores. You may wish to take an additional Vitamin D supplement or 600 to 800 International Units (IUs) a day to aid in calcium absorption.
What Results Will I See?
Calcium citrate is considered to be a better form of calcium supplementation than other options (such as calcium carbonate) because calcium citrate is more bioavailable, meaning it can be absorbed by the body faster and more thoroughly than other forms of calcium. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that calcium citrate was 2.5 times more effective in absorption than calcium carbonate. Not only does calcium citrate enhance bone growth, it prohibits the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is responsible for age-related bone loss.