High Protein Diet Supplements
Casein Protein
There are two main types of protein the body can use for energy--whey and casein. Each has its characteristics, and both should be incorporated into a high-protein diet, but the rules can be confusing as to which to use at what times, or why both types are compulsory.
Casein is a type of protein found naturally in milk. The protein powder you purchase in the store has been separated directly from milk, so you need not worry that you are purchasing anything unhealthy or unnatural when you pick up a tub or bottle of casein. The properties of casein are such that the body takes a long time to fully digest it, which produces a slow, steady trickle of amino acids into the blood steam over a seven-hour period. That means when you consume a shake containing casein, your body is still reaping the benefits nearly half a day later. This also results in the individual feeling "full" for longer, decreasing food cravings and the chance that one will binge on a "cheat" food. So when is the best time to take casein protein? Right before bed, and during any other meal except for breakfast or immediately following workouts--two times of the day when we want rapid meal absorption.
Whey Protein
And for that rapid absorption, we turn to our other protein source. Whey is a protein that is also derived from cow's milk, but that is where the similarity between it and casein ends. Whey is the yin to casein's yang, and where casein is slow-acting and reserved, whey is rapidly digested by the body and quickly converted to energy useful for muscle-building purposes or general needs of the body. So we want to get a healthy dose of whey protein in our system whenever the body needs a quick pick-me-up of fuel to get revitalized. And the best times for that are after breakfast, to immediately fuel the body after eight hours of fasting; and after a workout, to tell the body to stop breaking down muscle tissue and start rebuilding it anew. Consumption of whey at these times will result in improved body composition, more energy and better recovery from grueling workouts.
Other supplements also are useful for someone on a high-protein diet. For example, you might be looking for a shortcut that would allow you to get the recommended daily allotment of fruits and vegetables with minimal hassle. That is where supplements, such as Superfood comes in. It is among many products on the market that purport to act as a fruit and vegetable replacement. As stated in the product literature, one scoop is the equivalent of multiple servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables, making it a good addition to any diet where nutritional intake might otherwise be lacking.