Facts on Kre-Alkalyn
The exact component of Kre-Alkalyn varies depending on the vendor and the blend. Typically, the vitamins present include A, B, C, D, E and K. Pet vitamins, protein and creatine, and manganese might also be included in the Kre-Alkalyn compound. Before purchasing a supplement, you should review the specific nutrients in the Kre-Alkalyn mixture.
Before beginning Kre-Alkalyn, you should consult with a doctor to confirm the dosage. Typically, it is best to start with smaller doses so your body can become used to the supplement. You can gradually increase the dose, up to the level recommended on the package, as your body adapts.
While ingredients vary by vendor, most Kre-Alkalyn powders have some common ingredients. These include olive leaf, fish oil, caffeine, ginger root, deer antler velvet, apple cider vinegar and arginine eythyl. The specific amount of each ingredient may vary. In addition, artificial flavors may be added.
Uses and Benefits of Kre-Alkalyn
People who use Kre-Alkalyn believe the supplement can help build muscle mass and increase functional strength. Kre-Alkalyn also may aid in immune system functions and help maintain muscle tissue during the aging process. These claims were not tested by the FDA.
Side Effects of Kre-Alkalyn
Due to a lack of clinical testing, the exact side effects of Kre-Alkalyn are unknown. Anecdotal evidence provided from online reports at supplement review sites suggests there are few, if any, negative side effects associated with Kre-Alkalyn. It appears that fewer negative side effects are reported with Kre-Alkalyn as compared to the similar supplement creatine.