How to Take Liquid Creatine

Creatine is an organic acid, found mainly in fresh meat, that delivers energy to muscle tissue when the meat is consumed. Liquid creatine is used by bodybuilders, weightlifters and some athletes to boost muscle growth, build strength and enhance muscle tone. Research suggests that creatine may help reduce the effects of arthritis, and treat Parkinson's disease and muscular dystrophy, although present studies are inconclusive. Liquid creatine is available at sporting goods stores, training gyms and numerous online retail sites.


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      Consume 20 to 30 g of liquid creatine per day for the first week. Stir the solution into non-acidic juice or water.

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      Take 5 to 15 g of liquid creatine daily thereafter, starting with week two.

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      Consume the creatine about half an hour before your training workout to achieve maximum benefit. Stay hydrated and drink fluids during your workout. Body water follows creatine into skeletal muscle to build muscle mass, so staying hydrated, especially in hot temperatures, is crucial.

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      Supplement your liquid creatine with a daily dose of B-complex vitamins. B vitamins are believed to help creatine absorb into muscle tissue.

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