What Are the Benefits of Goat Whey?
Goat whey is produced in the process of making cheese. Goat whey is the pale yellow liquid that remains after cassein protein and cream are removed from the goat milk. During the 1800s, "whey houses" were popular stops in western Europe, particularly for older men who touted the effects of goat's milk for adding to their longevity. Goat whey was credited with eliminating everything from intestinal disorders to arthritis. Unfortunately, the "curdled milk" may have appealed to the Russians and Turks of another era, but the sourness of the liquid form may be a little much for today's palate. While you could milk your own goat and make whey, goat whey today is primarily provided in powdered form and distributed through health stores.
Goat whey contains protein from goat milk, which has a chemical structure that is very similar to human milk. Many lactose-intolerant individuals who have shied away from cow's milk products have found goat whey much more tolerable. Rich in sodium, potassium and calcium, goat whey is highly concentrated and packed with minerals beneficial to the human body. Consistent use of goat whey can help restore weak joints and reduce the pain involved in movement, making goat whey very attractive to athletes.
Goat whey soothes the digestive and intestinal tract, strengthening the immune system in the process, helping protect the user from common infectious diseases. Goat whey is particularly effective in battling persistent gastrointestinal diseases.
Goat whey is a popular diet supplement for athletes because it is a great source of protein, vitamins, minerals and lactose. Athletes use goat whey to help build muscle and repair muscles strained by repetitive exercise or strenuous weightlifting. In addition to high levels of protein for muscle strength, goat whey contains potassium, magnesium, chloride and phosphorous, all minerals the healthy body craves.
Heavy with electrolytes, goat whey is restorative. Known as the "fast protein," goat whey has a high metabolic absorption rate for rapid restoration of spent muscles. Goat whey's high solubility makes for efficient absorption by the body.
Goat whey protein contains valuable amino acids which fight fatigue and speed the recovery of athletes and bodybuilders during workouts.
Even Pets
Goat whey is often added to pet foods because it is rich in protein and contains fats active domesticated animals need. The make-up of the whey helps animals develop a healthy coat and contributes to muscle development, coordination and slower aging of your pets.
Most diet supplement stores, such as GNC, carry a variety of flavored goat whey. Health food stores stock it as well. An online search for goat whey products will reveal many providers. It's a plentiful product that is affordably priced--primarily because there is no shortage of productive goats.