How to Buy Pure Hoodia
Look for lab data to verify that the supplement that you plan to purchase contains pure Hoodia. Before you buy pure Hoodia, go online to different manufacturers to view their lab data. The product should be certified by a well-known lab, such as Alkemists.
Check at a vitamin supply store. Retailers such as GNC will often stock their shelves with several different versions of pure Hoodia from various manufacturers.
Go online to buy pure Hoodia. Some of the lowest prices on pure Hoodia can be found from web retailers of the supplement. For instance, VitaDigest retails 60 capsules of pure Hoodia for about 40 percent off of the retail price.
View the dosage amount of the pure Hoodia included in the supplement. A pure Hoodia supplement should contain between 400mg to 500mg of Hoodia. Anything less than this amount is likely to be full of unnecessary ingredients and fillers.
Read the label of the pure Hoodia supplement. It is mandated that the company must put the part of the plant used in the supplement on their labeling. If you don't see this listing, it is possible that the pill does not contain pure Hoodia.