About Nutrex
Nutrex features several professional body builders on its site with numerous winnings in Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic, state and international titles. However there are no statements that they endorse Nutrex products and no proof that they have used the company's products to win the awards. One expert that does work for Nutrex and is available for questions is John Gasper, a former Teenage National Powerlifting Champion and USA National Champion Bodybuilder.
Products Offered
Most of Nutrex products have received positive reviews by consumers on sites such as www.reviews.bodybuilding.com, www.illpumpyouup.com and www.supplementcritic.com. However, there are consumers that were unhappy and did not achieve the results they expected. Informal reviews may not be the most objective source of information since there is no verification if the product was taken according to guidelines. The site and products do state that the products are not miracle cures to muscle improvement and weight loss. A person much have a healthy diet and engage in exercise to realize significant health improvement. Nutrex's most popular product, Lipo 6, was recalled by the Australian government in October 2008 due to traces of yohimbine, a prescription medicine in the U.S. that has been shown to be an effective treatment for male impotence. However, a 2006 study published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website of twenty soccer players taking Yohimbine found no side effects and that it did help to reduce body fat mass, but not body mass or athletic performance.
Private subsidiaries of Nutrex include Nutrex Inc., based in San Dimas, California, with an annual revenue of $540K with two employees, one being president Gerry Cyseysky. It focuses on dry, condensed and evaporated dairy product manufacturing. Nutrex Hawaii Inc. focuses on medical chemicals and botanical products.
Nutrition Systems, Parent Company
Nutrex is a subsidiary of Nutrition Systems, a company that was founded in 1992 and markets such brands as Muscletech, BSN, Gaspari and Inner Armour. They are based in Australia with 40 employees led by CEO Ken O'Driscoll.
Current Marketing
Nutrex and its parent company are leading sponsors for events like the Ultimate Fighting Championship, several body building competitions and even a football (soccer) team in Australia. Their products are featured on many online forums and stores like GNC and Rite Aid. Nutrition supplements are not regulated by the FDA so impartial studies, medical advice and consumer reviews may be the only method of verifying the effectiveness of Nutrex's product line.