Side Effects of Winstrol
What is Winstrol?
Winstrol is an anabolic steroid. It is also commonly known under the name Stanozolol. Like all anabolic steroids, it is a synthetic derivation of the male hormone testosterone. Medically, winstrol/stanozolol is often used to treat cases of angioedema, a condition that causes severe swelling of various body parts. Recreationally, Winstrol is used like any other anabolic steroid--to improve performance. Winstrol is available in both oral and injectable formats.
How is Winstrol Administered?
Winstrol is generally administered either through intramuscular injection or orally, via tablets. Bodybuilding doses for men range from 35-75mg per day (orally). Women take a much smaller dose, between 5-10mg daily. Women need to take a smaller dose to minimize the possibility of androgenic side effects--deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair and enlargement of the clitoris.
What are the Common Side Effects?
Among steroids, Winstrol is considered fairly benign, with no possibility of estrogenic side effects as would arise with other steroids capable of converting to estrogen. Common side effects that are experienced by users include acne, headache, problems sleeping and an increase or decrease in sexual desire. Winstrol, in its oral form, places a fair bit of stress on the liver. Liver stress is milder when using the injectable version, but the stress is also more continuous. In women, Winstrol can cause the aforementioned virilizaing effects--growth of facial hair, deeper voice and enlarged clitoris.
How to Combat the Possible Side Effects
While there is no real established method for preventing possible insomnia or headaches, acne can be prevented by washing more frequently. Additionally, to minimize the possibility of liver damage, Winstrol users would be wise to limit their steroid cycles to no longer than six to eight weeks in length, coupled with complete abstention from alcoholic beverages and avoidance of any other hepatoxic compounds. Women should carefully monitor their dosage and watch closely for the first signs of any bodily changes signaling the onset of virilization.
Winstrol is a fairly mild steroid. The main advantage to Winstrol is that it is not subject to aromatization, which means it will not trigger the common steroid side effects of gynecomastia and heavy water retention. Although its anabolic potential is not as great as other compounds, the reduced level of side effects makes it a solid trade-off for those risk-adverse bodybuilders looking to add lean mass or increase athletic performance without excessive complication. The main issues are virilization (for women) and liver toxicity, but these can be managed.