What Is Mega Tribulus Terrestris?
Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant that grows in moderate to tropical climates within the United States, Mexico, Eastern Europe, India and China. The leaves are less than a quarter-inch long, and the flowers produce spiky seeds that are sharp enough to puncture a bicycle tire. The seeds remain viable for 3-7 years on average.
In China, the herb is known as bai ji li. In India, it is referred to as gokshura.
While the eastern world has known of the beneficial properties of Tribulus terrestris for centuries, western culture was first introduced to tribulus through its popularity with Eastern European Olympic athletes of the 1970s, who praised the compound for its supposed ability to boost testosterone in the body. While Tribulus was originally utilized to remedy infertility, erectile dysfunction and low libido, tribulus is marketed today mainly as an athletic performance enhancer. The benefits of increased levels of testosterone are well-known, including increased muscle mass, decreased levels of bodyfat, and rapid increases in strength.
Animal studies have indicated that administration of Tribulus terrestris resulted in significant increases in levels of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone. Supposedly, Tribulus operates by signaling the pituitary gland to produce increased amounts of LH (luteinizing hormone). This, in turn, has a cascading effect which thereafter signals the gonads to increase testosterone output, though not into the super-physiological range. Unfortunately, however, through the mechanism of aromatization, this also results in significant increases in estrogen levels.
Does it work?
Human studies involving Tribulus are less than conclusive. One study involving 15 subjects concluded that Tribulus had no effect on body composition or athletic performance. Others have reached similar conclusions. Proponents of the herbal extract argue that the studies claiming ineffectiveness used improper harvesting techniques, insufficient doses or improper administration of the compound. In short, the evidence either for or against use of Tribulus to boost testosterone levels is inconclusive, but anecdotal evidence suggests that for some, the herb lives up to its reputation.
Is it safe?
For sheep, no. In sheep, Tribulus causes an irreversible condition that eventually leads to death. In humans, Tribulus appears to be fairly safe, although that is not without caveats. Pregnant or nursing women should not use Tribulus, nor should younger boys. Individuals with hormone-dependent conditions, such as prostate or breast cancer should likewise abstain. Some reported cases of gynecomastia have appeared, although this appears to be exceedingly rare. The bottom line is that Tribulus is relatively mild, with few noteworthy side effects.