How to Take Calcium
Things You'll Need
- A list of calcium-enriched foods
- A discussion with your healthcare provider on the amount and frequency of calcium/Vitamin D you need to take daily
- A calcium and Vitamin D serum (blood) level if you and your healthcare provider deem it necessary. (You may also need a bone or DEXA scan too.)
Assess your need for calcium. While virtually everyone needs calcium, there are certain individuals who may need to take the mineral and vitamin to prevent, correct or modify bone disease. Calcium and Vitamin D are essential nutrients for a body to grow strong.
As you assess your need for calcium and Vitamin D there are several categories and illnesses that may warrant caution before taking these nutrients. These conditions include, but are not limited to:
Kidney disease
Past or present kidney stones
Heart disease
Circulation problems
Parathyroid gland disease
Conditions including Lyme disease and acne that are being treated with an antibiotic such as tetracycline -
Consult with your health care provider and pharmacist and do some homework before selecting brands of calcium and Vitamin D. Also, once you find an effective brand I usually encourage people to stick with that brand. Consistency does matter! One of the major issues with vitamins, minerals and supplements is that they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. While there are numerous counter opinions to this position they simply do not address the fact that numerous studies have found a variance from 0 percent to 100 percent in certain supplements. In fact, one study done on fish oil supplements found that the majority of the ones studied did not actually contain fish oil at all!
Get your calcium by eating calcium and Vitamin D-enriched foods; that's the best way.
* An interesting side note here: As we have become more rightly cautious of sun exposure we have also decreased our amount of Vitamin D (the "sunshine" vitamin). So stay out of the sun, but make sure you take enough Vitamin D to help your body absorb bone-strengthening calcium. -
Add these dairy and non dairy calcium-rich foods to add to your diet:
Dairy Sources:
• Yogurt, plain and fruit
• Milk, low fat, non fat or whole
• Cheese, including American, ricotta, cheddar and mozzarella
• Milkshakes
• EggnogNon-Dairy Sources:
• Salmon
• Tofu
• Rhubarb
• Sardines
• Collard greens
• Spinach
• Turnip greens
• Okra
• White beans
• Baked beans
• Broccoli
• Peas
• Brussel sprouts
• Sesame seeds
• Bok choy
• Almonds