Homeopathic Gallstone Treatment

Gallstones (choleliths) are stone-like or hard lumps formed by the concretion of too much cholesterol, bilirubin or bile salts in the bile. When there is too much cholesterol in gallbladder bile, the type of stone formed is called a cholesterol stone. When there is too much bilirubin in the gallbladder bile, the type of stone formed is called a pigment stone.
Eighty percent of gallstones are cholesterol stones of hardened cholesterol. These stones are generally yellow-green in color. Pigment stones are darker. Stones can range in size from no bigger than a grain of sand to large marble size. Gallbladder bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, problems generally occur when a stone tries to move through a duct and gets stuck causing inflammation, infection and damage. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, chills, nausea, jaundice and a persistent, sharp pain. Untreated or long lasting gallstone problems can be fatal.
  1. Constitutional Remedies

    • Homeopathy in gallstone treatment is often oriented toward constitutional remedies of chronic gallstones (long-lasting, recurring gallstone problems). A constitutional remedy focuses on benefits to physical makeup or general health rather than treating acute conditions. This orientation or focus is aimed at reducing the production of gallstones rather than treating gallstones which are actively impacting health in a critical way.


    • These homeopathic remedies have been helpful for some people with chronic gallstone problems and they are listed here, not as recommendations for self-treatment, but as general information about homeopathy and the range of potential gallstone treatments. It is important to remember that gallstone problems present with different symptoms in each person and homeopathy addresses the presentation of symptoms so gallstone treatments vary as prescribed by practitioners.
      Some remedy treatments prescribed include: Chionanthus (used for dissolving gallstones), Calcarea carbonica (for the treatment of exhaustion and sensitivity/pains in upper abdomen), Belladonna (dilates the cystic duct and alleviates pain--topical application), Berberis vulgaris (for the treatment of pain, joint pain and constipation), Bryonia (for the treatment of abdominal tenderness, nausea, pain), Borax (used to dissolve gallstones), Carbo Veg (for nausea and vomiting), Cardus Marians (for treatment of an enlarged liver), Chelidonium majus (for the treatment of nausea, pain and fatigue), China (gastro-duodenal catarrh), Cholestrinum, Fel tauri (increases duodenal secretions), Hydrastis (reduces inflammation), Lycopodium (for the treatment of bloating and digestive problems and cravings for sweets), Nat Sulph (for indigestion), Pulsatilla (anti-inflammatory and amoebia), Mag phos (reduces spasms), Colocynthis (for the treatment of cramping), Dioscorea (for the treatment of flatulence and sudden, shifting pains), Podophyllum (for treatment of constipation and diaherrea), Nux vomica (for the treatment of nausea and digestive cramps) and Terebinthinum (distension of abdomen and diaherrea).


    • Acute gallstone inflammation or infection can be life threatening and may require immediate surgery. Efforts should be made to obtain a quality diagnosis and to seek treatment that is in the best interest of the health and welfare of the individual.


    • Homeopathic gallstone treatments that can aide in breaking down the production of gallstones for persons who suffer from this condition in an ongoing or chronic way, may be a good addition to other healthy lifestyle choices. It is important to work with an expert in homeopathic remedies to identify the correct remedy and dosage for the individual.


    • If your condition worsens and you seek conventional surgery or treatment, be sure to inform your physician of any remedy you have been taking as well as for how long and in what dosages. Clear communication of all medicinal, supplemental and nutritional materials aids physicians in preventing inappropriate drug mixtures.

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