What Is the Drug Phenylalanine?
Despite its necessity in the production of neurotransmitters needed by the body's central nervous system, phenylalanine has a negative reputation in the media because of the association of aspartame with cancer, as well as the existence of an unusual phenylalanine-sensitive condition called phenylketonuria.
Recent studies have shown that phenylalanine can have anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects on individuals with a deficiency of phenylalanine.
Phenylalanine produces neurochemicals that the human body uses to properly function. It is normally converted to tyrosine in the body. Phenylalanine is chemically similar to adrenaline and dopamine.
Phenylalanine is found in the breast milk of mammals and in protein-rich foods such as dairy, seeds, nuts, poultry and fish. It is also commonly found in higher quantities in diet sodas, artificial sweeteners and energy drinks. In its pure, solid form, phenylalanine is a white powder.
Phenylalanine is needed for proper central nervous system function. Phenylalanine is used in the body to make the neurotransmitters epinephrine, dopamine and norepinephrine. Excess phenylalanine is not stored in the body, and its deficiency can cause symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Phenylalanine has been used to treat the symptoms and progression of malfunctions of the nervous system, and has been successfully used in medical practice as a treatment for depression.
Researchers theorize that supplementing phenylalanine can improve your mood, decrease your appetite and help you feel more alert and focused. It also may help decrease chronic pain associated with some diseases. Combined with supplemented vitamin B12, phenylalanine may help treat the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (see Resources).
Some people are sensitive to phenylalanine, and must avoid aspartame and other foods containing high levels of phenylalanine. The people who suffer from this condition are called phenylketonurics, and they are unable to properly metabolize phenylalanine. Some pregnant women suffer from a temporary condition called hyperphenylalanine and must avoid phenylalanine-rich foods as well.