What Are the Benefits of Taking Arctic Cod Liver Oil?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA are considered to be virtual panaceas within nutritional healing circles. The Food and Drug Administration and major medical institutions have released encouraging statements regarding the important role that omega-3 fats play in general health and well being. Omega-3 fats support the health of the heart, brain, eyes, joints and skin.
Adults should take in at least one gram of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA per day, and this need increases during pregnancy and lactation, and for people with certain medical conditions. While standard fish oil soft gels can easily provide this dose of omega-3 fatty acids, it is best not to use cod liver oil as an exclusive source of DHA and EPA. Its high content of fat-soluble vitamins would make it unsafe to take in the large doses necessary for achieving optimum intake of omega-3 fats.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for maintaining a healthy body, but an alarming number of people suffer from chronic vitamin D deficiency. Historically, cod liver oil has been a popular supplement for children because of its ability to prevent rickets, a severe form of vitamin D deficiency that was very common before fortified foods came into being. Even now, most children and adults can benefit from cod liver oil because of its high vitamin D content.
Without adequate levels of vitamin D in the diet, people are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, memory loss, high blood pressure, chronic pain, cancer and tooth decay. Vitamin D also plays a critical role in enabling the proper function of the immune system, and it may help prevent depression and other mood disorders. Because cod liver oil is an excellent source of vitamin D, it offers unsurpassed benefits for the prevention of these diseases.
Vitamin E
Another fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin E, is one of the world's most important antioxidants and is found in respectable amounts in cod liver oil. The National Institutes of Health report that, while most adults get enough vitamin E in their diets, people consuming low-fat diets may benefit from supplementation. Vitamin E offers many benefits and few risks.
Vitamin E is one of the strongest antioxidant compounds available as a dietary supplement. By protecting the body from damage associated with free radicals, vitamin E may enable a stronger immune system, lower cancer rates and a decreased risk of certain types of heart disease. Because of its high vitamin E content, cod liver oil may protect the body from these common problems associated with free-radical damage.
Vitamin A
Another important antioxidant, vitamin A helps maintain the health of the eyes and heart, while possibly acting to prevent some forms of cancer. Vitamin A also helps to enable the immune systems to fight viruses and bacterial infections. Cod liver oil contains so much vitamin A that minute doses can provide almost all of the day's dietary needs for this essential nutrient.
While the vitamin A in cod liver oil makes it an exceptionally healthy supplement, it should be noted that too much vitamin A, from cod liver oil or any other source, can be dangerous. Fat-soluble vitamins found in cod liver oil are stored by the liver, and excessive intake can cause irreversible damage to the liver and other organs.
In general, there is relatively little risk to taking cod liver oil supplements, and they offer many health benefits that are unmatched by any other food source. The primary danger associated with excessive intake of cod liver oil is the risk of vitamin A toxicity, which can occur in people taking above the recommended dose of cod liver oil. In addition, women who are pregnant should avoid excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins since they have been associated with an increased risk of birth defects and complications.
Heavy metals like mercury build up in some forms of seafood due to a process known as bioaccumulation, and these toxins occur in higher amounts in the organ meats of fish. Cod liver oil that has not been distilled may contain mercury or other contaminants, so consumers are advised to seek brands that regularly test their products for dangerous toxins.
Soft Gel vs. Liquid
The pharmacology and health benefits of cod liver oil are nearly identical for people taking sof tgels as compared to liquid cod liver oil. However, cod liver oil offers different features for people using soft gels or liquids. Liquid cod liver oil is easier to swallow for people who tend to choke or gag on pills, but its strong flavor makes it unpleasant by comparison, and this is off-putting for some people.
Additionally, soft gels may reduce the degree of malodorous reflux or bad taste associated with taking a pure, liquid cod liver oil. Soft gels also make measuring dosage easier and more convenient. Overall, soft gels are the preferred method for taking cod liver oil supplements--however, they tend to be more expensive per dose than the liquid form.