Effects of Probiotics on Immunity
Increased Lymphocytes
Lymphocytes are white blood cells in the body that attack harmful matter in order to prevent or fight off illness. According to the Chiropractic Resource Organization probiotics increase the number of lymphocytes in an individual's system helping to ward off germs and disease.
Stimulates Phagocytic Activity
Phagocytic activity is sometimes referred to as cell eating. Phagocytic activity in white blood cells means the cell is eating harmful material it comes in contact with that have the potential to cause disease. Probiotics help to increase this phagocytic activity in white blood cells.
Increase in Viral Killing Cells
According to Medicinal Food News probiotics can help increase immunity by assisting the body in producing more viral killing cells. Viral killing cells attack viruses as they enter the body and can prevent an individual from becoming ill.
Added Immunity When Taking Antibiotics
When an individual suffers from a bacterial infection antibiotics are often prescribed as a treatment. While antibiotics to help treat illness they are not selective in targeting bacteria. Good bacteria will be killed as well as bad. Probiotics help restore the population of good bacteria in the body of an individual taking antibiotics while still allowing bad bacteria to be destroyed.
Protection of Weakened Immune Systems
Probiotics can serve as an added protection for individuals with compromised immune systems. This population includes the very young, very old, patients who have just had surgery, AIDS patients and patients receiving cancer treatment.