L-ornithine Side Effects
Because L-Ornithine assists in the production of human growth hormone, it is taken to gain muscle mass by many bodybuilders. This amino acid is also helpful in wound healing and collagen production because of the detoxification properties it encourages and the increased protein synthesis. L-Ornithine is most often combined with Arginine for their synergistic properties.
Arginine is an amino acid produced by the body and is used to rid the body of the toxic buildup of ammonia. According to the Mayo Clinic, L-Arginine helps the body to create urea, which carries waste out of the body. Because of the protein building effects of Arginine, it is often used as a supplement by bodybuilders and may also be useful in promoting wound healing. In addition, it helps to create creatine, which increases growth hormone levels in the body. HGH helps to regulate the immune system and aids in muscle building and increased bone mass.
L-Ornithine metabolizes to form Arginine and assists in the production of urea. This increases the body's ability to eliminate waste. L-Ornithine and Arginine work together synergistically to increase protein synthesis and ultimately muscle growth. This amino acid is necessary for metabolic functions and detoxification purposes. It also contributes to release of HGH by the pituitary gland.
Human growth hormones peak during our teenage years and then begin to drop off. The reproduction and release of growth hormone in the body is responsible for collagen reproduction and cell turnover. Using L-Ornithine and Arginine contribute to the increased production of HGH in the bloodstream which might have anti-aging effects. However, there is a risk that the body will stop producing this hormone naturally. This can cause the pituitary gland to completely stop functioning. There are also side effects with the overproduction of HGH such as joint pain, high blood pressure and insulin resistance.
L-Ornithine is also used to assist in liver and gallbladder cleansing because it helps to produce urea that is used to flush toxic substances out of the liver. Because of the detoxification properties of the amino acid it is thought to decrease the incidence of gallstones and liver toxins.
L-Ornithine is considered a non-essential amino acid and most people get enough without supplementation, although some tout the anti-aging properties that are possible by including supplements in a diet plan. L-Ornithine can be obtained through a diet rich in meat, dairy, fish, and eggs. Supplements containing both L-Orithine and Arginine are available over the counter.
Side Effects
L-Ornithine and L-Arginine can cause more frequent recurrences of herpes outbreaks. In addition, there is a link between psychotic episodes and an increased intake of both L-Ornithine and L-Arginine. L-Ornithine may also cause an increase in adverse effects of diabetes. In addition, the use of the amino acid increased gastrointestinal distress.When these amino acids work to create HGH the side effects might include excessive facial bone growth and malformation, joint swelling and pituitary gland malfunction.