Benefits of Using MSM for Acne
Acne Treatment
The human body doesn't generally produce enough MSM to treat acne. MSM, when taken orally or used as a topical ointment, can help with controlling acne inflammation and pain of such outbreaks as well as softening your skin.
MSM is available in powder, flakes, topical, gel and capsule form. When used for acne, 2,000 mg is necessary per day, but don't take more than specified on the bottle or tube of MSM, unless directed by your doctor or physician.
Healthy Approach
MSM is one of the safest supplements that you can take out on the market today. There are not usually many side effects from taking MSM unless you take too much and then you could experience mild cramping, headaches or diarrhea.
Soft Skin
MSM softens your skin, giving it elasticity, which can help flush out the toxins within your skin cell walls. MSM gives your skin cells the permeability needed to absorb good nutrients and expel toxic waste from them.
Amino Acids
MSM supports sulfur containing amino acids, making the body better able to repair, heal and maintain the health of your skin, preventing acne breakouts and giving you a sheer, clean-skin glow.