Is Nitro-Tech Good for You?
The theory is that Nitro-Tech and other protein supplements help aid in muscle recovery and growth. There is no evidence that using Nitro-Tech as directed would be harmful, but as with any supplement, it is important to follow the instructions and dosage requirements.
As whey protein is derived from dairy, those with milk allergies should not use Nitro-Tech.
Definition of Whey Protein
Whey protein has long been used by the bodybuilding set to increase muscle mass. It is believed to be the most easily absorbed protein on the market. Whey protein is the liquid by-product created in cheese production. Whey protein may be converted to powder form by drying and the protein content in whey can be increased by removing lipids.
Whey protein is a combination of globular proteins and in its most pure form, called a "whey protein isolate," has little lactose, fat or cholesterol. When sold as a supplement, whey protein comes in powder or liquid form and may be mixed in a smoothie or similar shake.
Whey protein is most well-known as a muscle builder, but medical studies have shown that it is also useful to bone health, weight management and in the immune system. Whey protein helps to eliminate free radicals in the body, thereby strengthening the immune system.
In addition, whey protein has been shown to help decrease blood pressure, inhibit growth of cancer tumors and aid in recovery from a traumatic event by helping the body repair damage to skin, muscles and bones.
No Lasting Negative Effects
There is little evidence available to support the idea that Nitro-Tech--or any whey protein--has a negative effect on the body. In fact, evidence is contrary, the healing properties of increased whey protein intake are well-documented.
Nitro-Tech is considered a quick and easy way to get more protein quickly to aid in recovery time after a workout. Anecdotal evidence shows that Nitro-Tech is not any better or worse in terms of absorption than other products.
Short-Term Side Effects
Nitro-Tech may cause bloating or gas, and both may be caused by taking too much Nitro-Tech in one sitting. Neither side effect is particular reason for alarm, though if either condition persists, stop using Nitro-Tech.
In order to avoid a gassy feeling, it is suggested the Nitro-Tech be taken with water rather than milk.
Nitro-Tech contains aspartame.
Bottom Line
Nitro-Tech is an effective muscle-building supplement, though it is one of the more expensive of its genre. Anecdotal evidence shows that chocolate is the most popular flavor and that the powdered version of the supplement may clump and be difficult to mix.
Nitro-Tech is available at brick-and-mortar nutrition stores, including GNC, or may be ordered online.