What Are the Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri?
Bacopa monnieri has been used as a holistic medicine since the sixth century. It is mentioned in ancient texts in India for its healing properties. It has also been used as an aquatic plant in koi and other landscaping ponds.
Medicinal Uses
Holistic and folk doctors use the leaves of Bacopa monnieri to improve memory, cognition and attention span. It is also used to treat anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, asthma, hoarseness, epilepsy, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, leprosy and anemia.
Side Effects
There are no severe side effects reported. However, nausea, dry mouth, excessive thirst, heart palpitations and fatigue can occur. As Bacopa monnieri may affect the body's hormone and enzymatic functions, patients using cytochrone P450 enzymes, thyroid drugs, phenytoin, sedatives and psychotropic drugs should consult their physician before use. Bacopa monnieri may also interact with calcium-blocking drugs. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use Bacopa monnieri until further studies are completed. In all circumstances, consult your physician before using.
Scientific Studies
A 2008 study by the Helfgott Research Institute, National College of Natural Medicine, in Portland, Oregon (see Resources below), showed that Bacopa monnieri safely enhances cognitive performance in older patients. Studies are currently underway on Bacopa monnieri's efficacy as a treatment for schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
Other Names
Bacopa monnieri is also known as bramhi, thyme-leaved graticula, herb of grace, water hyssop and wagonin.