What Is Choline Citrate?
Choline citrate manufacturers claim that the supplement can help the body complete many important functions. Besides helping improve movement and coordination, choline citrate has the supposed ability to improve a person's memory and cognitive function. This is especially apparent in older individuals at risk for memory disorders. Choline assists the body in metabolizing cholesterol and fat.
Manufacturers claim that individuals with certain medical disorders can benefit from using a choline citrate supplement. This includes patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome who cannot process magnesium and calcium properly. It is also recommended by retailers to Alzheimer's patients and those with Parkinson's disease. The supplement is also recommended to athletes since physical exertion can deplete choline stores. With choline citrate, you can replace the body's loss choline and feel re-energized.
Each manufacturer will likely recommend a different dosage for choline citrate usage. On average, 250 to 1,000 mg per day will need to be ingested in order to prove effective. By taking more than 1,000 mg per day, you are at risk for experiencing side effects, such as muscle stiffness and headaches. Choline citrate is available in liquid and tablet form. It is recommended that you take the supplement with body food and water.
Many manufacturers recommend choline citrate to women who are pregnant since choline is depleted during pregnancy. However, it is very important that you speak to your doctor first before taking choline citrate while pregnant or breastfeeding. There has not been enough evidence collected on the positive or negative effects of choline on fetal development.
None of the claims made by choline citrate manufacturers have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. You should speak to your doctor before taking choline citrate or if you have any side effects from the supplement.