What Is Ginger Root Tea Good For?
Menstrual Cramps
Chinese women drink ginger tea, mixed with brown sugar, to relieve menstrual cramps. This combination not only helps the pain, but it helps your body eliminate waste, providing it with a cleanse. Drink it at least 2 times a day, more if the cramping is severe. You may also prepare a warm ginger tea compress, made with 6 oz. of fresh ginger root, and 1 qt. of boiling water. Dip a wash cloth in it and place it over your stomach to relieve cramping. The ginger and the compress provide a warming, heating pad effect.
Ginger root tea may help cold sufferers heal from their infection faster because it can be sipped to help break a fever. Drinking hot water infused with fresh ginger and lemon, while soaking in a hot bath, will provoke sweating and help break the fever, speeding recovery from the infection. The spicy and sweet combination will also help break up the mucus and congestion from your cold, which will make you feel more comfortable.
Sore Throat
Sip hot water, infused with fresh ginger and 3 tbsp. of honey. Drink your tea gradually; as your throat may feel tingly and scratchy as you clear it. If your sore throat is severe, you may wish to add marshmallow root to the ginger and honey tea, as it will assist in the healing of your inflamed and swollen throat.
Nausea and Indigestion
Drinking ginger tea can diminish the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, associated with motion sickness, pregnancy and the flu. Ginger aids these symptoms by helping the secretion of digestive juices, minimizing stomach acid and maximizing muscle tone in the intestines. You should aim to drink 2 cups of tea a day and add 1 tsp. fresh ginger to each one. If you are pregnant, do not take ginger for more than 4 days in a row.
Arthritis Pain
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger root tea may also be administered to relieve the pains associated with arthritis (see link in Resources). The tea helps prevent inflammation of blood vessels which provoke arthritis pain. If sufferers take ginger twice a day, their pain will lessen, and they will not need as many prescription pain medications.