What Is Conjugated Linoleic Acid Used For?
Body Fat
A lot of people struggle with their weight every day of the week. Sometimes this frustration leaves them looking for an answer to the weight problem. This is where CLA comes into play. According to a study done in the Journal of Nutrition, research subjects who took approximately 3.4 g of CLA a day, lost an average of 6 pounds of body fat over a twelve week span of time.
CLA is also used in the world of weightlifting and bodybuilding in two ways. It is used to help to reduce body fat, and it also helps to preserve and build lean muscle mass. This in turn causes a higher metabolism. It is especially used by bodybuilders right before a competition when they are trying to get into peak shape.
The thyroid is a gland that sits in the front of the neck. It is responsible for releasing hormones that aid the body in metabolism. When it becomes under active, also called hypothyroidism, there can be an increase of body weight, especially in the area of the stomach. In these instances, people use CLA for the reduction of abdominal fat.
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer occurs when quickly growing mutated cells clump together and form tumors. When it is found early and can be treated, a full recovery can be seen. But if it is found late, it can be fatal. In an attempt to reduce the chances of getting breast cancer or slowing it down, CLA is used. A study done by Michael Pariza from Wisconsin University stated that supplementing with CLA interferes with cancer tumor growth.
Asthma is a condition where the airways in the lungs get constricted and obstructed from pollutants that are breathed in. When this happens, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath all result. CLA is used to reduce inflammation in the airways which, in turn, reduces the symptoms.
Blood Sugar
Blood sugar is what the body uses for energy. When the pancreas does not release insulin properly, blood sugar levels can become high. This is the case with diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, also known as non-insulin diabetes, people use CLA for its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels.