What Is Catuaba Bark?
The catuaba tree is a small tree with orange and yellow flowers. It produces an oval-shape fruit that is not edible. The catuaba tree belongs to the genus erythroxylum, which contains several species from which cocaine is derived. The catuaba tree does not contain any of the active cocaine alkaloids. There is some confusion over which species of tree is harvested in Brazil and sold as catuaba. There are generally two species of tree referred to, including the small catuaba previously mentioned and a big catuaba tree which belongs to the mahogany family.
The Tupi Indians are credited with the discovery of catuaba as an aphrodisiac. Indigenous people have used the herb for many generations and attest to its effectiveness. Although catuaba bark is an effective aphrodisiac increasing sexual desire in both male and female, it is primarily used to enhance erection in males.
Catuapa bark contains alkaloids, tannins, resins, aromatic oils, falconoid and other constituents. Researchers in Japan discovered that catuapa contains powerful antiviral and antibacterial compounds. Rain-Tree.com states that a 1992 study indicated that catuaba extract was effective in protecting mice against E. coli and staph infection as well as significantly inhibiting HIV.
For generations, indigenous people have used catuaba bark not only as an aphrodisiac but also for many health benefits. It has been used to lessen pain, improve memory, calm anxiety and alleviate fatigue, among other benefits.
Although catuaba bark was once most commonly taken by boiling the bark in water to make a tea, it is now available in capsule forms at dosages of 500 to 1000 mg. It is also available in tincture and powder form. There are no known side effects or drug interactions of catuaba, although it is claimed that the only side effects are increased sexual desire and erotic dreams.
Catuaba is often taken as a general tonic since it is believed that it acts as a central nervous system stimulant and increases energy levels. Although such beliefs may be true, there is yet no scientific evidence to substantiate such claims.