Facts About Metabolife
Ultra Metabolife
Ultra Metabolife uses the patented formula that the company originally used in their first series of supplements. The company says the pills increase energy and help people lose weight quickly.
Green Tea Metabolife
The company created their green tea version in response to consumers' requests. These pills have the same benefits, but are also a good source of antioxidants when taken regularly.
Caffeine Free Metabolife
Consumers who worried about the caffeine found in the regular pills influenced the company's decision to make a caffeine free version. This one doesn't increase energy, but still helps users lose weight.
Breakthrough Metabolife
The Breakthrough version of their supplement was made for those who want to increase their metabolism, fat burn and energy. Metabolife markets this for more serious shoppers and doesn't claim that it helps in weight loss.
Extreme Energy Metabolife
Metabolife also comes in an Extreme Energy version, which focuses on increasing metabolism and energy rather than burning calories or losing weight. It uses green tea and ginseng among other ingredients.