The Benefits of Fiber
Fiber Overview
Fiber consists of plant foods your body cannot absorb. It passes through your stomach to the small intestine, and then into your colon. Fiber is classified into two groups, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel material. Insoluble fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system.
There are several health conditions that can benefit from a fiber-rich diet. Fiber can help people with diabetes control their blood-sugar levels. Fiber can also lower blood-cholesterol levels. Some studies show that fiber can help individuals with cancer. Adding fiber to your diet can also help control weight gain.
Adding too much fiber to your diet too quickly can cause gas, bloating and cramping. Increase fiber intake slowly over a few weeks. The natural bacteria in your digestive system needs to adjust to the change. Fiber is most effective when it absorbs water.
Add Fiber to Your Diet
The best sources of fiber include whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. Try to eat fruit with every meal. High-fiber fruits include apples, oranges, pears and berries. Eat more fiber-rich snacks like whole-grain crackers or popcorn. For breakfast, eat cereals made with bran.
Fiber Supplements
Fiber supplements soften stool and relieve constipation. There is no evidence that taking supplements like Metamucil is harmful. Fiber supplements are commonly found in pills, beverages and cereals.