How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally With B12 Pills
By naturally boosting your metabolism, you increase the amount of calories your body burns during all hours of the day. By burning these additional calories, you begin to burn more of your fat stores and over time you lose weight in a healthy manner.
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin B12 pills
- B-complex vitamin pills
Take Vitamin B12 pills with a meal and a glass of water for optimal digestion and absorption.
Take a B-complex vitamin with your B12 pills. As with most nutrients, B12 doesn't work in a vacuum and is most effective when combined with other nutrients. In this case, you should also consider a B-complex vitamin to be taken along with your B12 pills to naturally boost your metabolism.
Increase energy through B12 supplementation. One of the main functions of Vitamin B12 is to increase energy. Vitamin B12 pills or a B12 shot is used by many doctors to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome. With this increased energy, you will not feel sluggish throughout the day and will move around faster, and may be more willing to hit the gym to burn off calories and further increase your metabolism.
Exercise to help boost your metabolism long after the workout is over. The energy you gain through the proper intake of Vitamin B12 pills will help to fuel your workouts. Along with the calories you burn while exercising, your body will continue to have a naturally raised metabolism for several hours after the workout is over.
Eat breakfast. It is incredibly important to eat a healthy breakfast soon after getting up in the morning. If you do not eat, then your body will go into what is known as starvation mode and will horde calories into fat stores rather than use them for energy. This means you will feel sluggish all the while storing fat and slowing down your metabolism. It is a good idea to take your B12 pills with your breakfast to kick off the day with a raised metabolism.
Drink plenty of water. Water is essential to the effective regulation of your body's metabolism and for the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. It is recommended to drink eight glasses of water per day at eight ounces per glass. This should be spaced out evenly throughout the day.