How to Detoxify With XXtra Clean
Purchase the XXtra Clean supplement. You can find the detoxification product in many vitamin and supplement retailers. You can also purchase it online through stores like iHerb (see Resources). Popular flavors include apple and tropical blend.
Prepare for detoxification. Avoid fatty foods and eat a diet that consists of mostly fruits and vegetables the week prior to using XXtra Clean. Incorporate extra servings of green leafy vegetables, carrots, apples, oranges, mangoes and berries. Other food choices that week should be low in fat, like lean meats, fish and whole grains.
Spend time exercising the week prior to taking the XXtra Clean. Exercise is supposed to speed along the detoxification process, as well as increase your metabolism. A half an hour of aerobic exercise each day the week before would be ideal.
Drink the entire bottle of XXtra Clean. The supplement comes in pint form and requires that the user drink the entire contents to start the detoxification process. You only need to drink the product once to detox.
Allow 15 minutes to pass. Refill the bottle of XXtra Clean with water. Drink the entire bottle and continue to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Adjust your diet the day of doing the XXtra Clean detoxification program. Consume mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Your diet during detoxification should be high in fiber with food choices like berries, bran cereals, brown rice, whole grain breads and beans.